This Course Is For You

Beginner Guitar Course - Level One

This beginner course will introduce you to basic concepts and techniques necessary to begin the journey of learning to play guitar. It is a well thought out approach that offers building blocks to support your knowledge and skills as you gain confidence with your new instrument. You will have the opportunity to hone your skills with both the right and left hands and apply these skills to featured songs selected specifically to apply what has been learned.

Here's What You'll Learn

Basic music theory is introduced to help lay a musical foundation for what is being presented.

  • Understanding the guitar as an instrument and how to tune it

  • Understanding how to hold the guitar and a pick

  • Learn all of the common open major chords as well as alternative voicing (plus one minor chord)

  • Understand basic timing and rhythm and to play on the beat

  • Develop skills and techniques to improve chord transitions

  • Become comfortable with 5 Rhythm Patterns

  • Understand basic Time Signatures and Notation Values

  • Become comfortable applying skills and knowledge on feature songs presented

Connect with your heart

Get to know your guitar and learn to love it. Become familiar with guitar vocabulary and the basics necessary to start your journey.

Express yourself

Learn the major, minor and some seventh chords as well as basic guitar theory. Become familiar with rhythm and counting. Learn new rhythm patterns and how to read chord and song charts.

Connect with people

Apply what you have learned to popular songs you can play for your own enjoyment and for others. Fine tune your skills and techniques so that you can move forward. Most importantly, enjoy your journey!

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